



 1.      引论:政治与政治哲学(2020.7.9 & 2020.7.29

 -          Steven Lukes (1974), “Power: A Radical View”

-          Charles Mills (2005), “‘Ideal Theory’ as Ideology”

-          Laura Valentini (2012), “Ideal vs. Non-ideal Theory: A Conceptual Map”

-          Optional:

o   William Galston (2010), “Realism in Political Theory”

o   Naima Chahboun (2017), “Three Feasibility Constraints on the Concept of Justice”

o   Matthew Adams (2019), “An Ideology Critique of Nonideal Methodology”

【第一单元   自由】

 2.      定义之争(I):消极自由与积极自由(2021.6.11

3.      定义之争(II):形式自由与实质自由(2021.6.15

[What is freedom? What are its relations to interference, coercion, domination, subjection and so on? Is the law antithetical to freedom? Is poverty? Brainwashing? A ban on slavery? Does political freedom entail democratic participation? How is the “positive/negative” dichotomy of freedom different from the “formal/substantial” dichotomy?]

 -          Isaiah Berlin (1959), “Two Concepts of Liberty”

o   辅助材料:《以赛亚·伯林的自由观

o   辅助材料:《伯林的自由观:误读与审视(三)

-          Hannah Arendt (1961), “What Is Freedom?”

-          G. A. Cohen (2011), “Freedom and Money”

-          Philip Pettit (1997), Republicanism, ch.2 “Liberty as Non-domination”

-          Optional:

o   Gerald MacCallum, Jr. (1967), “Negative and Positive Freedom”

o   Charles Taylor (1979), “What’s Wrong with Negative Liberty”

o   Ian Carter (2011), “The Myth of ‘Merely Formal Freedom’”


 4.      言论自由(2021.6.18

 [Why protect the freedom of expression? Is every expression a speech? Is monetary contribution to a political campaign an expression? Where are the boundaries of free expression? Should hate speech be protected? Should offensive speech? Is pornography hate speech against women? Is the protection of free speech merely against state persecution? Should private companies be allowed to fire employees for their speech? Is so-called “political correctness” a genuine threat to the freedom of expression?]

 -          Susan Brison (1998), “The Autonomy Defense of Free Speech”

-          Jeffrey Howard (2019), “Dangerous Speech”


o   Catharine MacKinnon (1985), “Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech”

o   Rae Langton (1993), “Speech Acts and Unspeakable Acts”

o   Jennifer Saul (2006), “Pornography, Speech Acts and Context”


 5.      答疑(2021.6.22


【第二单元   正义】

 6.      分配范式的正义观及其不满(部分自学,部分非同步授课[2021.7.28]

 [How should we define social equality and justice? What is the relationship between political and economic equality? How should we redistribute? Is redistribution a violation of property rights? An anti-market measure that inevitably backfires? Does the focus on redistribution obscures non-distributive forms of social injustice? What are the possible non-distributive measures to eliminate exploitation and oppression?]


-          John Rawls (1971), A Theory of Justice, ch.2-3 & 5 (excerpts)

o   辅助材料(录音):《〈正义论〉导读  

-          Optional:

o   Robert Nozick (1974), Anarchy, State, and Utopia, ch.8 “Equality, Envy, Exploitation, Etc.”

o   Andrew Lister (2013), “The ‘Mirage’ of Social Justice: Hayek Against (and For) Rawls”


-          Iris Young (1990), “Displacing the Distributive Paradigm”

-          Elizabeth Anderson (2015), “Liberty, Equality, and Private Government”

-          Optional:

o   Norman Geras (1984), “The Controversy About Marx and Justice”

o   Waheed Hussain (2020), “Pitting People Against Each Other”

o   Chi Kwok (2020), “Work Autonomy and Workplace Democracy”


 7.      平等与歧视(非同步授课[2021.7.28]

 [How do sociocultural prejudices and discriminations impact the realization of social justice? Are group-based rectificatory policies (such as Affirmative Actions) unfair to members of other groups? Can different kinds of discrimination (e.g., gender, racial, class) be understood and addressed through the same principles of justice? Can the principles of social justice be expanded beyond national boundaries? How to think about environmental and climate issues through the lens of social justice?]

 -          Mary Anne Warren (1977), “Secondary Sexism and Quota Hiring”

-          Amartya Sen (1980), “Equality of What?”

-          Thomas Pogge (1998), World Poverty and Human Rights, ch.4 “Moral Universalism and Global Economic Justice”

-          Optional:

o   Georgia Warnke (1998), “Affirmative Action, Neutrality, and Integration”

o   Bernard Boxill (2003), “A Lockean Argument for Black Reparations”

o   Tommie Shelby (2007), “Justice, Deviance, and the Dark Ghetto”

o   Charles Mills (2013), “Retrieving Rawls for Racial Justice?: A Critique of Tommie Shelby”


【第三单元   民主】

 8.      民主的奠基(部分自学,部分非同步授课[2021.7.31]

 [Why democracy? Is democratic decision-making always better than non-democratic decision-making? Usually better? What do we mean by “better” here? Why one-person-one-vote, if different people apparently have different levels of knowledge and/or morality? Why election, instead of selecting public officials through exam or lottery? Can elections hold elected officials accountable? Is referendum more democratic than electoral representation?]


-          David Estlund (2003), “Why Not Epistocracy?”

-          Jason Brennan (2011), “The Right to a Competent Electorate”

-          Hélène Landemore (2014), Democratic Reason, ch.6 “Second Mechanism of Democratic Reason: Majority Rule”

o   辅助材料(录音):《平等与贤能


-          Nadia Urbinati (2006), Representative Democracy, ch.1 “Representation and Democracy”
-          Optional:

o   Robert Mayer (2001), “Strategies of Justification in Authoritarian Ideology”

o   Samuel Bagg (2018), “The Power of the Multitude: Answering Epistemic Challenges to Democracy”


 9.      民主的优化(部分自学,部分非同步授课[2021.7.31]

 [Should democracy be constrained by a constitution? Can it? Is judicial review oligarchic? Is mass participation in deliberative democracy a realistic goal? Can deliberative democracy really improve the quality of democratic politics? How can we design the electoral system to ensure its fairness? Should gerrymandering be allowed? Is mandatory voting better than voluntary voting? How should democracy adapt to the rise of the Internet, social media and other info-technological transformations of our era?]


-          Stephen Holmes (1988), “Precommitment and the Paradox of Democracy”

-          Jeremy Waldron (1999), “Precommitment and Disagreement”

o   辅助材料:《宪政vs.民主?



-          Lynn Sanders (1997), “Against Deliberation”
-          Simone Chambers (2009), “Rhetoric and the Public Sphere: Has Deliberative Democracy Abandoned Mass Democracy?”


 10.  民主的退化(非同步授课[2021.8.4]

 [What is populism? What is the relationship between populism and democracy? Is populism a “necessary evil” in democratic life? Is democracy still possible when the society is polarized? Is technocracy a solution to, or a cause of, populism? How to balance democratic accountability and bureaucratic independence?]

 -          Margaret Canovan (1999), “Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy”

-          Nadia Urbinati (2014), Democracy Disfigured, ch.2 “Unpolitical Democracy”

-          Jane Mansbridge & Stephen Macedo (2019), “Populism and Democratic Theory”

-          Optional:

o   辅助材料:《民粹主义(下)

o   辅助材料(录音):《民粹主义和民主政治的衰败:以美国为例

o   Koen Abts & Stefan Rummens (2007), “Populism versus Democracy”

o   Christopher Bickerton & Carlo Invernizzi Accetti (2017), “Populism and Technocracy”

o   Barry Cannon (2018), “Must We Talk about Populism? Interrogating Populism’s Conceptual Utility in a Context of Crisis”



 11.  答疑(2021.8.21


【第四单元   身份与依托】

 12.  民族国家 (I): 归属与忠诚(2021.8.29 & 2021.9.5

 [Is liberalism compatible with patriotism? Should it be? Should we love our country? Be partial to our compatriots? Is a country loveworthy only when it “loves its citizens back”? If not, when is it okay for us to give up on “improving” it and migrate somewhere else, cutting off ties to our former compatriots?]

 -          Alasdair MacIntyre (1984), “Is Patriotism a Virtue?”

-          Robert Goodin (1988), “What Is So Special About Our Fellow Countrymen?”

-          Anna Stilz (2009), Liberal Loyalty, ch.6-7


 13.  民族国家 (II): 主权与跨国治理(2021.9.5

 [Why sovereignty? To what extent must it be constrained by the international law and human rights norms? Can sovereignty be shared or transferred? How should we redraw the boundaries between nation-states and transnational organizations in light of increasing need for global coordination? Should there be an international constitution? Should global governance be democratized? If so, how?]

 -          Dennis Thompson (1999), “Democratic Theory and Global Society”

-          Sarah Song (2012), “The Boundary Problem in Democratic Theory: Why the Demos Should be Bounded by the State”

-          Optional:

o   Samantha Besson (2009), “Whose Constitution(s)?: International Law, Constitutionalism and Democracy”


 14.  民族国家 (III): 领土与移民(2021.9.5

 [What are the differences between the territorial right of a state and the property right in land ownership? How to adjudicate territorial disputes between states? Which group has a right to secede from an existing country? Does a political community have a right to exclude “outsiders” from its territory? To exclude them from being “naturalized” and joining the community?]

 -          Joseph Carens (1987), “Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders”

-          Allan Buchanan (1997), “Theories of Secession”

-          Margaret Moore (2015), A Political Theory of Territory, ch.3 “Foundations of a Theory of Territory”

-          Optional:

o   Elizabeth Cohen (2015), “The Political Economy of Immigrant Time: Rights, Citizenship, and Temporariness in the Post-1965 Era”


 15.  战争与恐怖主义(2021.9.12

 [When is a war just? Can wars ever be just? When invaded by a foreign army, should we surrender if resistance would only bring forth more deaths? Is killing in war different from homicide? Why is killing combatants allowed in wars, but not civilians, even if some civilians (e.g. warmongering politicians, military-industry lobbyists) are more responsible for the war than order-obeying soldiers? Should combatants on both sides be treated equally, even if one side is just and the other side is unjust? Is anti-terrorism a war? If so, are terrorists combatants (and should therefore be treated accordingly)? Can terrorism ever be justified?]

 -          Andrew Valls (2000), “Can Terrorism Be Justified?”

-          Jeff McMahan (2004), “The Ethics of Killing in War”

-          Samuel Scheffler (2006), “Is Terrorism Morally Distinctive?”

-          Optional:

o   Avia Pasternak (2018), “Political Rioting: A Moral Assessment”

o   Yuan Yuan (2021), “Public War and the Requirement of Legitimate Authority”


 16.  宗教(2021.9.12

 [Why religious freedom? Is religious freedom any different from other (non-religious) instances of the freedom of conscience? Should religion be granted special exemptions vis-à-vis non-religious organizations? Should a religious person be allowed to discriminate against gay people on the basis of the religious doctrine she adheres to? How about against racial minorities? Are “burqa bans” religious discrimination? Is religious freedom compatible with the separation of church and state? Does the separation of church and state imply a “public reason” duty on the part of public officials?]

 -          John Rawls (1997), “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited” (excerpts)

o   辅助材料:《公共理性与整全义理 

-          Jürgen Habermas (2006), “Religion in the Public Sphere” (excerpts)
-          Cécile Laborde (2017), Liberalism’s Religion, ch.6 “Disaggregating Religion in Freedom of Religion: Individual Exemptions and Liberal Justice”
-          Optional:

o   Cristina Lafont (2009), “Religion and the Public Sphere: What Are the Deliberative Obligations of Democratic Citizenship?”


 17.  多元文化主义(2021.9.12

 [Should minority and aboriginal cultures be granted special protections? Can we meaningfully talk about “group rights” at all? What should we do if a historically disadvantaged ethnocultural group insists on traditional practices that are antithetical to, say, gender equality? Does the “mainstream” society lose the moral standing to intervene or condemn those practices of a minority culture when the “mainstream” society itself has not yet fully realized the ideal of gender equality? Does that lead us to “whataboutism”? What is the proper balance here?]

 -          Will Kymlicka (1989), Liberalism, Community and Culture, chs.7-8

-          Ayelet Shachar (2000), “On Citizenship and Multicultural Vulnerability”

-          Sarah Song (2005), “Majority Norms, Multiculturalism, and Gender Equality”


o   辩题1:反恐是场战争吗?

o   辩题2:假设某个非穆斯林人口占多数的国家,立法禁止任何女性在公共场合穿戴蒙面罩袍;再假设该国的穆斯林中,有相当一部分人坚信蒙面罩袍是唯一符合伊斯兰教义的女性公共穿着。请问你会支持还是反对这一禁令?


 18.  答疑及结语:再谈政治与政治哲学(非同步授课[2021.9.23]

  -          Optional:

o   重温第一节“引论”课的阅读材料

o   John Simmons (2005), “Civil Disobedience and the Duty to Obey the Law”

o   Candice Delmas (2018), A Duty to Resist, ch.2 “In Defense of Uncivil Disobedience”

o   Robin Zheng (2021), “Moral Criticism and Structural Injustice”

o   David Kinney & Liam Kofi Bright (2021), “Risk Aversion and Elite-Group Ignorance”


 19.  期末作业:组队辩论(2021.10.3


