
Timothy Williamson, Knowledge and Its Limits, Ch 5, "Margins and Iterations"

(outline for presentation, May 1)

5.1 Against the KK principle
(1i) M knows that if T is i+1 then ~(2i).
(2i) M knows that T is not i.
(3i) M knows that (2i).
(L) Luminosity
(KK) For any pertinent p, if M knows p then M knows that M knows p.
[S] Simple Creature Objection to (KK)
[I] Iterated Pertinence Objection to (KK)
(C) If p and all members of X are pertinent, p is a logical consequence of X, M knows each member of X, then M knows p.
[GC] General Closure: We know consequences of what we know.
[IC] Intuitive Closure: Knowing p1, …, pn, competently deducing q, and thereby coming to believe q is in general a way of coming to know q. [Deduction is a way of extending knowledge.]
[N] Nozickean Counterfactual Objection to (IC)
[P] Probability Objection to (IC)
[V] Vagueness Objection to (IC)
[R] Reflective Equilibrium

Defending Intuitive Closure
[IC] Intuitive Closure: Knowing p1, …, pn, competently deducing q, and thereby coming to believe q is in general a way of coming to know q. [Deduction is a way of extending knowledge.]
[N] Nozickean Counterfactual Objection to (IC) [cf. Ch.7]
[P] Probability Objection to (IC)
Ø  No probability short of 1 turns true belief into knowledge. [cf. Ch.10]
Ø  Reworking (C) to apply to single-premise inferences.
[V] Vagueness Objection to (IC)
Ø  Not vagueness in “know” but limits on M’s eyesight and M’s knowledge of it.

Seductiveness of the KK principle
One cannot knowingly identify a particular counterexample to KK in first-person present tense. [K(Kp ∧ ~KKp) → KKp → ~K~KKp → ~K(Kp  ~KKp)] [Ch.12]

Application: The “Glimpse” Paradox [Ch. 6]
(p) “The exam will be on the penultimate day.”
(l) “The exam will on the last day.”
() “If the exam is on the penultimate day, then the pupils do not know now that it will not be on the last day.”

5.2 KKk & KKω
One knows0 p iff p. One knowsk+1 p iff one knowsk that one knows p. (k N)
(KKk) is false.
One knowsω p iff one knowsk p for every k. (k N)
(KKω) is a logical truth [challenge to the generalized argument against luminosity]
Ø  Infinite many premises & attenuated luminosity [not a satisfying response]
Ø  Knowingω may fail the gradualness requirement.

5.4 [Belief about the accuracy of one’s own estimates needs margin for error.]
5.5 [Belief about the accuracy of others’ estimates needs margin for error.]

5.3 Reliability/Safety/Margin-of-Error
[O] Obtain; [SO] Safely Obtain; [B] Believe; [K] Know; [FB] Falsely Believe;
[IPK] In a Position to Know; [SfE] Safety from Error; [MoE] Margin of Error;
[c] a small positive real number; [u] any non-negative real number
(L) For all α, if Oα(C), then IPKα(O(C)). [C is a luminous condition.]
(7) For all α and β, if v(α) = v(β), then Oα(C) iff Oβ(C). [C’s obtainment depends only on the value of the relevant parameter.]
(8) For all α and u, if |uv(α)| < c, and Bα(O(C)), then for some β close to α, v(β) = u and Bβ(O(C)). [One’s belief is not perfectly discriminating with respect to the underlying parameter.]
(9) For all α and β, if β is close to α, and Kα(O(C)), then ~FBβ(O(C)). [Connection between knowledge and SfE]
(10) For all α, if IPKα(O(C)), then for some β, v(α) = v(β) and Kβ(O(C)). [Def. IPK: One is in a position to know something determined by the value of a parameter only if one can know without changing the value of the parameter.] [(9) + (10) → “SfE Assumption”: IPK only if SfE]
(11) For all α, if Kα(O(C)), then Bα(O(C)). [Knowledge implies belief.]
(12) For all α and β, if |v(α) – v(β)| < c, then Oα(C) iff Oβ(C).
(13) For all u, for some α, v(α) = u. [The parameter varies continuously.]
(14) For all α and β, Oα(C) iff Oβ(C). [Triviality: C obtains in all cases or none.]
(15) For all α and β, if |v(α) – v(β)| < c, and IPKα(O(C)), then Oβ(C). [MoE Principle]

