5.1 Against the KK principle
(1i) M knows that if T is i+1 then ~(2i).
(2i) M knows that T is not i.
(3i) M knows that (2i).
(L) Luminosity
(KK) For any pertinent p, if M knows p then M
knows that M knows p.
[S] Simple
Creature Objection to (KK)
[I] Iterated
Pertinence Objection to (KK)
(C) If p
and all members of X are pertinent, p
is a logical consequence of X, M knows each member of X, then M knows p.
[GC] General
Closure: We know consequences of what we know.
Intuitive Closure: Knowing p1,
…, pn, competently
deducing q, and thereby coming to
believe q is in general a way of
coming to know q. [Deduction is a way of extending knowledge.]
Nozickean Counterfactual Objection to (IC)
Probability Objection to (IC)
Vagueness Objection to (IC)
[R] Reflective Equilibrium
Defending Intuitive Closure
[IC] Intuitive Closure: Knowing p1, …, pn, competently deducing q, and thereby coming to believe q is in general a way of coming to know q. [Deduction is a way of
extending knowledge.]
Nozickean Counterfactual Objection to (IC) [cf.
Probability Objection to (IC)
Ø No probability short of 1 turns true belief into knowledge. [cf. Ch.10]
Ø Reworking (C) to apply to single-premise inferences.
Vagueness Objection to (IC)
Ø Not vagueness in “know” but limits on M’s eyesight and M’s knowledge of
Seductiveness of the KK principle
One cannot
knowingly identify a particular counterexample to KK in first-person present
tense. [K(Kp ∧ ~KKp) → KKp → ~K~KKp → ~K(Kp ∧ ~KKp)] [Ch.12]
Application: The “Glimpse” Paradox [Ch. 6]
(p) “The exam will be on the penultimate
(l) “The exam will on the last day.”
) “If the exam is on the penultimate
day, then the pupils do not know now that it will not be on the last day.”
5.2 KKk & KKω
One knows0 p iff p. One knowsk+1 p iff one knowsk that one knows p.
(k ∈ N)
(KKk) is false.
One knowsω
p iff one knowsk p for every k. (k
∈ N)
(KKω) is a logical truth [challenge
to the generalized argument against luminosity]
Ø Infinite many premises & attenuated luminosity [not a satisfying response]
Ø Knowingω may fail
the gradualness requirement.
5.4 [Belief about
the accuracy of one’s own estimates
needs margin for error.]
5.5 [Belief about
the accuracy of others’ estimates
needs margin for error.]
5.3 Reliability/Safety/Margin-of-Error
[O] Obtain; [SO]
Safely Obtain; [B] Believe; [K] Know; [FB] Falsely Believe;
[IPK] In a
Position to Know; [SfE] Safety from Error; [MoE] Margin of Error;
[c] a small positive real number; [u] any non-negative real number
(L) For all α, if Oα(C), then IPKα(O(C)).
[C is a luminous condition.]
(7) For all α and β, if v(α) = v(β), then Oα(C)
iff Oβ(C). [C’s obtainment
depends only on the value of the relevant parameter.]
(8) For all α and u, if |u – v(α)| < c, and Bα(O(C)), then for some β close to α, v(β) = u and Bβ(O(C)).
[One’s belief is not perfectly discriminating with respect to the underlying
(9) For all α and β, if β is close to α, and Kα(O(C)),
then ~FBβ(O(C)). [Connection
between knowledge and SfE]
(10) For all α, if IPKα(O(C)), then for
some β, v(α) = v(β) and Kβ(O(C)). [Def.
IPK: One is in a position to know
something determined by the value of a parameter only if one can know without
changing the value of the parameter.] [(9)
+ (10) → “SfE Assumption”: IPK only if SfE]
(11) For all α, if Kα(O(C)), then Bα(O(C)).
[Knowledge implies belief.]
(12) For all α and β, if |v(α) – v(β)| < c, then Oα(C) iff Oβ(C).
(13) For all u,
for some α, v(α) = u. [The
parameter varies continuously.]
(14) For all α and β, Oα(C) iff Oβ(C).
[Triviality: C obtains in all cases or
(15) For all α and β, if |v(α) – v(β)| < c, and IPKα(O(C)), then Oβ(C).